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英文繪本 / Little white fish hears water music (音效書)

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NT$ 496.00
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NT$ 496.00
Regular price
NT$ 628.00
Secure payments | 畫語繪本生活美學館
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小白魚 (Little white fish) 的系列作品是在全球16國熱銷的童書之一,或許有些朋友對他並不陌生,不過,今天要跟大家分享的是 2019年8月才新出版的音效書。




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With Clavis Music we embrace the power of reading and the power of listening. We explore a new world: that of books and the music. Will you explore it with us?

Little White Fish sings a cheerful morning song. All of his friends make music too. Then Little White Fish hears magical sounds. Where are they coming from? 

A merry music book for little fishes and music lovers ages 2 and up.