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英文繪本 / My pet goldfish

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NT$ 583.00
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NT$ 583.00
Regular price
NT$ 714.00
Secure payments | 畫語繪本生活美學館
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金魚是很讓人心情放鬆的景觀魚,柔美的姿態、怎麼看都不累!今天介紹一本以金魚為主題的英文繪本,My Pet Goldfish。這除了是本小孩養寵物金魚的故事之外,作者也在頁面的不同角落用較小的字體寫出與金魚有關的小知識,除了可以加強孩子飼養寵物的信心之外,也給了我們不少金魚的科普知識喔!

A charming Nature Storybook all about looking after goldfish – inspired by the author's own pet fish.

My Pet Goldfish is a delightful picture book with facts by the Greenaway Medal-winning author-illustrator Catherine Rayner. The child narrating this story has been given their first ever pet: a tiny fish with shimmering scales and bright beady eyes… Their very own goldfish! Sitting alongside the gentle narrative and dynamic illustrations, the subtext introduces facts about goldfish and their care – some gentle, some funny, some fascinating – making this a perfect choice for first-time owners.

ISBN: 978-1406398809