• 81+G42bNUDL
  • 81bsmB-wRXL
  • 81Lup33FmOL
  • 91WL-9pVXbL

英文繪本 / Love

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NT$ 565.00
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NT$ 565.00
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NT$ 659.00
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這本 Love 談的是親情,家人之間的愛,特別是孩子和母親之間的愛。故事裡面因為小女孩初次短暫離家去上學,在原本母愛的基礎上有了更深層的體驗,所以,這本書除了可以跟孩子談談母愛也能和孩子談談短暫的分離。

Funny, emotional and uplifting picture book about separation and love, to help children understand their emotions.

Everyone loves everyone in Tess’s house, but when Tess has to leave for school for the very first time, she is worried that her family’s love might not stretch that far. Mum explains that love is like a string, it connects people together even when they are far away. At school Tess notices that all the children have strings! Some are new, some are old, some stretch a long way, and some even stretch right up into the sky. But what happens when a string breaks?